Thursday, July 30, 2009

The view from the Summit Trail hike that Sydney and Rick took when the rest of us were either too tired or covering the clinic. She hadn't hiked Taylor's Mistake the day before so here legs weren't so tired. Of course, Rick did both hikes and wasn't complaining, but he's used to this stuff.

Sydney in her favorite Movin Shoes sweatshirt. You know Rick, always getting that free advertising even if he isn't still in San Diego. Some things never change.
Even on a misty day, the view back to the ocean is pretty amazing. We're headed up to this trail tomorrow, so hope it is clear so we can take more outstanding photos.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shopping in NZ

Turns out you have to be a little careful when shopping in NZ, and there are always interesting new signs to follow. If you need eggs, don't look in the coolers, just the shelves as they don't keep them in the reefer.
If you need hamburger, don't grab the first meat roll you see as it may be intended for your four-legged friend! Some Americans thought that the meat actually was dog meat intended for human consumption. Not to worry, it is wet dogfood and no, we haven't accidentally eaten any yet.
What, you don't know what a trundler is? That would be your grocery cart, and like in the U.S., if you don't tell people where to put them when they are done, they will leave them standing around in the parking lot.
Our new favorite, that would be the gigantic chocolate chip cookies from Cookie Time. We live a couple of miles from the main outlet warehouse and have found it impossible to drive past without stopping in to fill up on some great cookies (for the kids of course).
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Change is good, because I said so!

Well, the fun and games of our initial arrival have ended, and real life has set in. The kids got their fill of playing with Oliver and Belle (Ollie is in the photo), watching endless hours of rugby and the Tour de France, and enjoying feast after feast with our friends Rick and Lynn Vandertie in Papanui. But now we have moved to our temporary residence in the rural bedroom town of Rolleston, the kids have started school, and there is no TV and no dogs to play with, so things aren't quite as grand. On the bright side, Sydney's class is going on a ski trip to Mt. Hutt on Friday, Galen was able to sign up for the local under 11 rugby team, and Felicia has been able to navigate herself around Christchurch without getting lost, so there has been a bright side of things. I was going to put a photo of Sydney in her school kilt on here, but she would surely hate me forever if I did.
Work at the clinic is quite smooth so that bodes well for my year down under, and we are busy planning our multiple trips around the island in an effort to see as much as we can in the next year. We are really looking forward to having visitors from the US as there is so much to see and do, and with two cars there is plenty of room for everyone. Tyler and Nick are well on their way to golfing the entire South Island and are planning their trip to Wellington to see a concert in August. They have also taken a bite out of the local food economy and continue to rave about the grand food of New Zealand.
Whoops, lost track of time, must get ready for work. More photos to follow.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm not in Kansas anymore

Sitting in the Auckland airport watching the rain and clouds and realizing that it will be at least a year before I see desert again. Coming in to Auckland there was nothing but green hills and trees. Although it was cool with grey skies upon arrival, it has now progressed to a steady rain that will likely follow me to Christchurch in an hour when I head there on my next flight. The red-eye from LAX was uneventful with plenty of sleep and a row of empty seats for sleeping pleasure. Still can't believe that the plan that seemed so far in the future is now here and I actually start working on Monday. Imagine my excitement when I read in the paper that the swine flu has overrun the local clinics here. So I get to deal with mass hysteria again on this side of the world. The kids are having a great time at Hume Lake, Felicia is happily preparing the house for our departure, and we will all be together again in a week or so.