Turns out you have to be a little careful when shopping in NZ, and there are always interesting new signs to follow. If you need eggs, don't look in the coolers, just the shelves as they don't keep them in the reefer.

If you need hamburger, don't grab the first meat roll you see as it may be intended for your four-legged friend! Some Americans thought that the meat actually was dog meat intended for human consumption. Not to worry, it is wet dogfood and no, we haven't accidentally eaten any yet.

What, you don't know what a trundler is? That would be your grocery cart, and like in the U.S., if you don't tell people where to put them when they are done, they will leave them standing around in the parking lot.

Our new favorite, that would be the gigantic chocolate chip cookies from Cookie Time. We live a couple of miles from the main outlet warehouse and have found it impossible to drive past without stopping in to fill up on some great cookies (for the kids of course).
What's in those Cookie Time cookies? The red cookie monster on the side of the delivery van looks a little, ah, peculiar.
ReplyDeleteNot sure, but I will admit that after you eat one, you need about 3 more to quench the "Cookie Monster". They have been a great offset to the running so I have been able to maintain my weight despite the exercise.