Monday, May 25, 2009

44 and Counting

According to my calculations, I will be arriving in Christchurch in 44 days to commence our year with the hobbits. The only unfortunate part is that I will actually have to work while there which will put a crimp in the exploration effort. That and the kids having to go to school will hinder our overall fun, but we're still pretty sure that it will be an excellent adventure. Felicia and the kids have purchased their plane tickets and will be meeting up with me on the 16th. We have rented a home in Rolleston for the first two months of our adventure and will be exploring the neighborhoods prior to our home shift in mid-September. The ski slopes open on May 30th, so it will be quite a transition in July when we arrive. We're putting the finishing touches on our move from Yucca Valley while also preparing for Tyler's high school graduation. We're looking forward being able to update the blog with photos from down under to ensure that those who want to enjoy a little break from reality can do so.


  1. Refuse to work weekends. And leave the kids at Rick's.

  2. Yeah, I've got your shack in the back yard nearly emptied out of garden junk. I hope you don't mind sharing it with the 15 sheep and 9 dogs we keep out there.
